billy boyd | The Film Magazine A Place for Cinema Sun, 17 Dec 2023 02:36:53 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 billy boyd | The Film Magazine 32 32 85523816 10 Best The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Moments Sun, 17 Dec 2023 02:36:51 +0000 The most impactful, memorable and iconic moments from Peter Jackson's trilogy concluding 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'. List by Martha Lane.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) is the final instalment in the hugely successful Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is the most critically acclaimed of the three films (earning a joint all-time record 11 Academy Awards) and the biggest box office success of the franchise.

Sauron shows no signs of stopping even as Isengard crumbles. His eyes are on Minis Tirith, the last beacon of hope for Gondor. While Merry and Pippin are reunited with the Fellowship (though not for too long), Frodo and Sam are now right under Sauron’s eye, behind the gates of Mordor. There’s treachery afoot, battles to win, fathers to impress, and cities to conquer. And a king to return.

Will Middle Earth succumb to evil? Will Sam ever see the Shire again? Will Pippin be a fool until he dies?

Will Frodo destroy the ring?

In this Movie List from The Film Magazine, we are counting down the most impactful, hilarious and memorable moments from the gripping conclusion of Peter Jackson’s fantasy saga, for this: the 10 Best The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Moments.

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10. Mount Doom Erupts

Inside the volcano things aren’t moving fast enough. The ring isn’t melting. Just as it looks like our King will be defeated, Sauron’s tower falls and the eye implodes. The ground surrounding the heroes disintegrates, taking the orcs and trolls with it.

It’s over. They’ve won.

Or have they?

In the seconds after everyone’s elation, Mount Doom explodes. Everyone looks crestfallen as Sam and Frodo are still up there. This device has been used before with Gandalf and the Balrog, Aragorn and the warg. For a second, this feels different. There is a moment when we truly believe that Sam and Frodo made the ultimate sacrifice.

Recommended for you: 10 Best Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Moments

9. Merry and Pippin Lead the Charge

Vastly outnumbered, Aragorn and his followers head to the black gate to draw Sauron’s eye while Sam and Frodo make the final leg of their journey into Mount Doom. Aragorn’s “not this day” speech is stirring and emotional. This is it. It’s now or never.

“For Frodo!” Is the battle cry.

And, in an army of a thousand experienced soldiers, it is Merry and Pippin who run first. They’ve come so far from the firework stealing miscreants of the first film. They are warriors as brave as any man or elf.

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10 Best The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers Moments Sun, 17 Dec 2023 02:27:12 +0000 The most spectacular, meaningful and memorable moments from Peter Jackson's 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', the trilogy's middle entry. List by Martha Lane.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) is the second instalment in Peter Jackson’s adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic fantasy. Frodo and Sam have separated from the Fellowship. Unbeknownst to them, their friends Merry and Pippin have been kidnapped, Boromir is dead and orcs are swarming.

Middle parts of trilogies are often the worst. They have to do so much bridging and they don’t get the satisfaction of story arc conclusions as they are too busy setting up what comes next instead.

The Two Towers does not fall prey to this. It is as exciting as the first film, while having the luxury of our investment. Everyone cares very deeply about what happens to what remains of the Fellowship. A host of new characters are introduced as the battle for Middle Earth continues, the most significant being the people of Rohan. And an extra woman, Éowyn (Miranda Otto), to boot.

The Two Towers is filled with lengthy battles, death and despair, and yet it still manages to be warm-hearted, full of humour and hopeful.

In this Movie List from The Film Magazine, we are counting down the most impactful, hilarious and memorable moments from Peter Jackson’s timeless epic, for this: the 10 Best The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Moments.

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10. The Nazgûl

The Wraiths were scary enough in The Fellowship of the Ring, but in The Two Towers they’ve been promoted. Now referred to as Nazgûl, which feels more sinister, and on the backs of great dragons, these agents of Sauron really are a force to be reckoned with.

The screeching, sniffing presence of them over the Dead Marshes as Sam and Frodo cower is the taster, but as their giant wingspans cast a shadow over the city of Osgiliath they truly are a sight to behold.

Recommended for you: 10 Best The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Moments

9. The Uruk-hais March

The Two Towers is a film with many battles, and obviously we are rooting for the good guys, but the final march of the Uruk-hais as they approach Helm’s Deep is nothing short of majestic.

Thousands upon thousands of them marching in time, lit by flickering torches, metal clanging and roaring like lions. They have no morals and no fear. The juxtaposition between them and the rag-tag army Aragorn has managed to gather does an excellent job of building tension.  

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10 Best The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Moments Sun, 17 Dec 2023 02:17:57 +0000 The most impactful, hilarious and memorable moments from Peter Jackson's timeless epic 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring' (2001). List by Martha Lane.

The post 10 Best The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Moments first appeared on The Film Magazine.]]>
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) is the first instalment of the hugely successful Lord of the Rings trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson. The series was lauded for its score, cinematography, special effects, costume, and effective adaptation of the original material.

Middle Earth is under threat as Sauron, a great malevolent force, is gathering power. The lands of men, elves, wizards, and dwarfs have lived for hundreds of years believing the great evil had been vanquished. Wowzers, were they wrong.

It’s all down to the hobbits – long-living, hairy-footed, ale-swigging, home-comfort-loving people about the size of a human child – to fix it. Turns out Bilbo Baggins (Ian Holm) has been in procession of a very precious, very dangerous artifact since his exploits in “The Hobbit” 70 years prior.

The task to return the ring is placed in the tiny hands of his nephew, Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood). It’s all fine though, because Gandalf (Ian McKellen) has arranged for a band of warriors, a fellowship if you will, to help him on this perilous journey.

The Fellowship of the Ring thrust director Peter Jackson and its cast members into the stratosphere of fame. While some depictions may be considered problematic by today’s standards, and Lord of the Rings certainly isn’t passing any Bechdel test, the classic struggle of good versus evil means it remains popular over twenty years later.

In this Movie List from The Film Magazine, we are counting down the most impactful, hilarious and memorable moments from Peter Jackson’s timeless epic, for this: the 10 Best Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Moments.

Follow @thefilmagazine on X (Twitter).

10. Gardening

The scene has been set, the Hobbits introduced, and Frodo (Elijah Wood) has begrudgingly accepted his mission. While Gandalf (Ian McKellen) is asserting the grave danger the young hobbit will face, he hears a crack outside. An eavesdropper? A spy from the very depths of Mordor? Or perhaps, just a gardener? Gandalf lunges with his staff, and pulls out of the perennials, Samwise Gamgee (Sean Austin).

This is a great introduction to Sam as it shows his cheek, tenacity, and loyalty.

Recommended for you: The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit Movies Ranked

9. The Ringwraiths Attack

Tolkien built a very serious world with realms of peril and intense men conversing. Peter Jackson’s rendering of this world adds a much-needed dose of humour. The Fellowship of the Ring is not afraid to poke fun at itself a little bit.

The Ringwraiths are a terrifying sight (and sound). These are the creatures that all of Middle Earth is afraid of. The wraiths with their metal hands and black cloaks attacking pillows hidden beneath the bedspreads in the Prancing Pony is a scooby-doo-esque flash of comedy.

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Down Among the Big Boys (1993) Review Tue, 30 Jun 2020 00:41:34 +0000 Billy Connolly stars in Scottish gangster film 'Down Among the Big Boys' from 1993. Mark Carnochan reviews.

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Down Among the Big Boys (1993)
Director: Charles Gormley
Screenwriter: Peter McDougall
Starring: Billy Connolly, Douglas Henshall, Rab Affleck, Ewan Stewart, Ashley Jensen, Gary Lewis, Billy Boyd

Released in 1993, Down Among the Big Boys came at possibly the worst time in Scottish Cinema history. A few years removed from Bill Forsyth’s transition to making films in America, but also a few years away from a surge of successful Scottish releases like Trainspotting, My Name is Joe and Ratcatcher, and with no bankable stars such as Bill Paterson or Ewan McGregor, the industry was on its knees, turning to the comic but at the time by no means guaranteed acting talents of the likes of Billy Connolly to prop up lesser known releases. Nearly 30 years on it’s easy to see why this period of Scottish film has been so largely forgotten when any number of its most notable films, including this Peter McDougall and Charles Gormley feature, headed straight to the BBC on television, but with star Billy Connolly now reaching his self-confessed twilight in his battle with Parkinson’s and the resurgence of old BBC projects across their platforms, it seems that Down Among the Big Boys may be due a resurgence in popularity. Whether it’s deserving of that or not is another question entirely…

Down Among the Big Boy’s’ screenplay is perhaps this film’s most impressive and stand out feature. The film follows Louie (Douglas Henshall), a local detective who is set to marry the daughter of glaswegian crime boss JoJo (Billy Connolly) the same week that JoJo is planning a bank robbery. It makes for an incredibly interesting story similar to the likes of Michael Mann’s Heat, only with an added family dynamic between the protagonist and antagonist in order to make the relationship between the two characters that bit more intense.

Smart, witty and unique, the premise and its delivery is at times superb, but for every clever line of dialogue there is a cheesy one right around the corner and for every enthralling action sequence there is an equally as boring family dinner, the tale of this film being one of ups and downs and a limiting of its true potential.

The direction from Charles Gormley is perhaps the biggest culprit in this sense, adding very little flare in any way and generally creating a pretty stilted watching experience for the most part. His uninspired work is as safe and “block, record, repeat” as most television direction was at the time, and Down Among the Big Boys seemingly deserved more.

The film does host a cast of regular faces that improve the viewing experience however. Actors such as Rab Affleck, Ewan Stewart, Ashley Jensen, Gary Lewis and Billy Boyd support leads Connolly and Henshall, making for practically a who’s who of Scottish acting talent. The ensemble of character actors each put in competent performances but seem stalled by Gormley’s poor direction, again asserting the notion that there was something greater to be born out of this project than that which we eventually received.

All things considered, Down Among the Big Boys is a disappointing and considerably dull watch, the good aspects of the movie simply not being enough to raise the film to a higher standard, and the bad qualities of the film tearing apart the potential that it so very clearly once had.

Although the film itself will almost certainly remain a mere blip on the radar, it is worth its place on everyone’s watchlists even if only to see how far the Scottish Film industry has come in the near three decades since.


The post Down Among the Big Boys (1993) Review first appeared on The Film Magazine.]]> 1 20415
The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Movies Ranked Wed, 29 May 2019 13:37:38 +0000 Each of Peter Jackson's 6 J.R.R. Tolkien adaptations, from both the 'Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit' movie trilogies, ranked from worst to best by Esther Doyle.

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For close to 20 years, the Lord of the Rings film series has been an important part of many a fantasy film enthusiast’s life, the recent release of the appropriately titled J. R. R. Tolkien biopic Tolkien and the in-development mega-bucks series at Amazon owing to our ongoing thirst for all things Middle Earth. But which film is the best of the now 6-movie-long series and which is the worst? In this edition of Ranked, we’ll be mixing subjective opinion with the facts and figures of this close to $6billion franchise to judge each entry from the Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit trilogy side by side, ranking each of them from worst to best.

Have an opinion? Make sure to leave a comment!

6. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

The Hobbit Movies ranked

Gross USA: $255,119,788
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $956,019,788
1 Academy Award Nomination
1 BAFTA Award Nomination

The best part of this film was the battle with Smaug.

The previous film had concluded on quite the dramatic moment with the dragon about to wreak destruction on the defenceless Lake-town, and The Battle of the Five Armies brilliantly jumps straight back into the action. There’s fire, there’s destruction, people are dying and the audience is gripped with anxiety for Bard and his sickeningly sweet children.

Bard defeats Smaug, his children survive, and the rest of the villagers who avoided peril all go and meet on the nearby shore. It’s all down hill from there…

We are given a few dramatic moments that we are supposed to care about, but there aren’t strong enough foundations built for us to be particularly moved. Tauriel barely knew Kili, how can she claim to have loved him? Why did the Elves suddenly decide to help the Dwarves for no apparent reason? It is generally a film with poor storytelling and a dependence on expensive CGI to make up for it.

Other than the opening battle, the most popular moments were those that referenced the predeceasing trilogy, such as Galadriel’s encounter with Sauron and Thranduil telling Legolas to seek out Aragorn.

Legolas running up falling boulders was pretty sick too!

5. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

The Hobbit Movies Ranked

Gross USA: $258,366,855
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $960,366,855
3 Academy Award Nominations
2 BAFTA Award Nominations

For anyone who had read the book at a younger age, it was so exciting to see so many scenes taken directly from the book in this film – the Spiders were just as scary as when we’d read about them years ago and Beorn was just as mysterious and intimidating. This made the film so much more enjoyable for nostalgic reasons, especially comparing it to The Battle of the Five Armies which contains a lot of made up moments that didn’t take place in the book.

The accomplishment in animating Smaug blew away many who’d approached the CG-heavy prequels with a critical eye. Special effects progress so fast that it’s easy to forget how making Smaug talk was a major feat, especially since the dragon was what people were anticipating most about this film. In this respect, The Desolation of Smaug absolutely delivered! The mouth movements of the dragon matched up with what he was saying so perfectly without looking silly, which we all know is far more impressive than a CGI tiger.

4. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The Hobbit Movies Ranked

Gross USA: $303,003,568
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $1,021,103,568
3 Academy Award Nominations
3 BAFTA Award Nominations

There were a lot of immediate reactions to this film which criticised it for being a little messy and full of unrelated content. Although many criticised The Battle of the Five Armies for similar reasons, An Unexpected Journey had a different purpose to the last film in the trilogy. After an almost ten year gap since The Lord Of The Rings ended, An Unexpected Journey is our first dip back into Middle Earth; it has to set the scene and starts the story.

The Hobbit Trilogy may have been about one film too long, but this is an opinion only forged in retrospect. In this first instalment, it was exciting to see things like the rock giants fighting in the mountains and Radagast with his woodland pals being intimidated by the Spiders. It felt like a promise for all the goodness that was yet to come, it’s just a shame that the promise was not fulfilled.

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